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11.3.2024 Volkswagen Group Malaysia’s GodFather/Mother Touareg Programme

KUALA LUMPUR - In early January 2024, Volkswagen Group Malaysia's Pekan plant started the new year by rolling out a new model: the all-new Touareg R-Line, which will be introduced to the Malaysian market soon.

Dr. Susanne Lehmann, managing director for Volkswagen Group Malaysia, introduced the GodFather/Mother Touareg programme: a unique initiative in which 20 protégés were assigned to take special care of their "child" - the Touareg R-Line.

The programme comprised several processes from beginning to end; unpacking and foaming to follow up on the car parts status, car progress and assembly issues, as well as inspections in Check Point 6 (CP6). The GodFather/Mothers were tasked with monitoring their "child" closely and ensuring its progress as planned.

The assigned GodFathers/Mothers put their utmost effort and strove to the fullest in ensuring the vehicles were at designated assembly check points as per schedule by flagging up potential delays in the process and timing. Ultimately, the programme was a success; it met its objective thanks to the fully committed protégés who ensured that all the vehicles were ready for the end customers.

The all-new Touareg R-Line will make its Malaysian debut on 12 March 2024.

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